Often times we find ourselves in the middle of our studies or nearing the end. At that time, we might be thinking: What’s next? Can I get a job with this qualification? Do I need more? Well what you might not know, is that you can specialise in your field! If you are studying Business Management courses, you have the option of furthering your studies or complimenting it with another qualification!  

Should I specialise?

Whether or not you should specialise is a difficult question. It depends on your situation because studying for longer costs more money, and it takes up even more time. If you do have the extra time to spare, or if you can even do it part-time, it might be a good idea. Specialising can be very useful, especially when applying for a job. The more skills you offer, the higher your chances are of being hired. Besides taking up extra time, studying further will also cost more money. This might not be an option if you are already strapped for cash. Studying is an investment in your future, but this may not be the best option for your specific situation. So the best thing you can do is sit down and think. Write down the pros and cons of continuing to study. Think about how you will make it happen. How will you pay for it? Do you have the extra time available? Will it be too much stress? Will this help you to move ahead in life professionally? These are all things to keep in mind when deciding on further studies.

What can I study after Business Management?

After making the decision of whether or not you should study further, the next step is obviously what to study. Will you go with a short course or a longer qualification? When studying Business Management courses, there are two main options you can branch off into. Human Resources (Office Administration) and Finance (Accounting).

Human Resources

Human Resources or Office Administration handles with inter-personal connections and contact. It all about how employees work together and cooperate. Specialising in this field allows you to build up your communication skills. This is extremely useful in any business or field. Communication skills are a fantastic tool, something that everyone should always be working on. But HR is about more than just communicating. It also deals with managing a team. Bringing everyone together, collaborating and working with each other. Taking each person’s strengths and trying to cover their weaknesses. Being able to recognise individual talents and making the best of what you have. HR is literally about using the human resources you have available to you. Lastly, HR deals with how people act towards each other. The office morale, what to do and what not to do. When there is an issue in the office, often HR sorts it out, one way or another. This part of the job teaches you how to spot potential trouble in people. Watching and observing, taking note when certain people don’t get along and when they do. Using this info to better manage your team and productivity.


Being able to not only manage your finances but also that of a business can be a useful skill to have. When specialising in Finance, you learn more about the inner workings of a company. What makes it tick, and what brings it to a standstill. As you can imagine this knowledge is valuable when working in or running a company. Besides learning about the money, finance also teaches you the accounting skills you need to make the books balance. Being able to balance a business’ books is a great tool to have, especially if you are thinking about starting your own. You definitely need to know how this side of the business works if you want to start up your own place. So as you can see, specialising  Business Management courses can be a fantastic boost to your skills and future. All you need to do is click here and start your journey!   Written By: Michael Kritzinger Last Updated: 16 April 2019